Welcome to my underwater photo/video
tip page, full of wisdom (?), opinion and
maybe controversy! I thought it might be
fun to put up a few things on my website
to share with other underwater
photographers. Much here will end up being
stuff I would consider more advanced
topics in underwater photography, because
many good books already exist to teach the
basics. Everything on this page is my
opinion, which means that other underwater
photographers may disagree with me on some
things. Try to keep in mind that there are
no definite rights or wrongs. Photography
is an art form. If you produce an image
that you like, then it is good. These are
techniques that work for me. I welcome
input on these subjects. I'll try to put
up a new concept now and then but no
guarantees. If you have a subject you want
me to cover, send me an e-mail.
I'm looking for ideas.
1: Depth of
Field Dilemma
2: Split
above/below shots
SUBJECT 3: One strobe or two?
1: Why you shouldn't shoot video with a DSLR
TRIPS with