Split Shot Technique
The split shot (a picture that
is half above water and half underwater) can be a
powerful approach to rendering many subjects in
shallow water when there is something neat above
water as well. Reefs with mountains or boats in the
background, mangroves, or blue holes in the jungle
are all wonderful places to shoot split shots.
People who are not into underwater photography
often don't realize how tricky it is to create
images like this (unless you cheat and make them in
the computer!) Underwater photographers know that
creating split shots is a little trickier than it
The big problem in creating
split shots is the fact that water and air have a
different index of refraction. Therefore, if an
object is at the same distance from the lens
underwater as it is above water, the lens has to
focus at two different distances.
In general, one must use a wide
angle lens to accomplish these shots. With a wide angle lens, you need a dome port on the housing to maintain the angle of view of the lens and to reduce distortion at the edges of the frame. Here's the problem: while a dome port
has no major optical effects on the image above
water, its spherical shape underwater acts like
a negative lens, making objects appear to your
camera as if they are significantly closer than
they really are. For this reason, to use a lens
behind a dome port requires that the lens be able
to focus closer than roughly 4 times the radius of
the curvature of the dome*. On a typical 8" dome
port (radius=4"), the lens must be able to focus
closer than 16". Since many lenses can't focus this
close, use of a +2 diopter accessory "close
up" lens is sometimes required.
To do a split image, your lens
might have to focus at infinity above water, but
focus closer than 16" underwater (see figure 1).
For many lenses, even at f/22, there simply is not
enough depth of field to pull this off. (Fisheye lenses can
manage. Most rectilinear lenses can't.) The solution
is to use a "split" diopter (close-up lens on only
the underwater half of the image). This means you
have to actually get a diopter lens that has only a
half circle of lens in it. (See figure 2). Although
there have been places that make these in small
quantity and sell these lenses ready-made, most
people end up having to make their own. You have to
buy a normal threaded diopter close-up lens in the filter
thread size of your lens, remove the lens from the
threaded ring, and then cut it in half. This is not
something you should try to do yourself unless you
have experience working with optics. I took mine to
my local eyeglasses shop where they know how to cut
lenses. I also had them buff the edge of the cut so
it wouldn't produce glare.
Next, you generally want to add
a 2 stop neutral density (ND) filter to the other
half of the filter. An ND filter is just a dark
filter that drops the light level back by a precise
number of stops. You usually need this because the
image tends to be brighter above water than below.
By dropping the exposure by two stops above water,
you hopefully match the exposure above and below
water. So, you get an ND filter in the right size
and have the same place cut that in half. If you
are lucky, you can make two filters from all the
parts and sell one (or keep it as a spare). I have
tried to use ND gelatin filters to keep the cost
down, but my experience is that it's hard to keep
flat and it gets all wavy in the mount. I prefer
the somewhat more expensive but considerably higher
quality route of using a glass ND filter cut in
half to match the diopter cut in half. The
finished product looks like mine, seen in figure
The final thing to consider here
is the size of the dome used to create the shot. In
general, the bigger the better. An 8" dome is
great. Some companies make a 9" dome that is even
better. The reason for using a large dome is
twofold. First, the bigger the dome, the easier it
is to get a smooth water line across the picture
because it's easier to line up a large dome with
the water, and small waves make less impact on your
image. Second, the larger the dome, the further
away the virtual image is underwater, and the
easier it is to focus underwater and above water at
the same time. This isn't to say you can't pull off
a good split shot with a 6" dome, it's just a
little harder. My experience is that a 6" dome
requires the stronger +4 diopter and a 8" dome
requires a +2 diopter lens. If you put a +4
on a large dome, it may be too much correction
unless your underwater subject is very close to the
Good luck!
*This is a somewhat complicated
concept, but there is a discussion of this at
Essentially, an object at infinity when shot
through a dome port underwater produces a virtual
image at a distance that is 3 times the dome radius
minus 4 times the port thickness from the front of
the port. Since lenses are calibrated to focus from
their focal point and know nothing about the
distance from the front of the port, the lens
behind a dome port focuses on a virtual image that
is 3*dome radius-4*dome thickness+1 radius inside
the dome. This can be rounded to roughly 4 dome
More Photo-tips>>

Divemaster Missy Kom on St. John, models for me.
The split shot is a tricky combination of water
conditions, optics and patience. It took a whole
roll to get this shot. (This was one of my last assignments shot on film.)

My wife Christine in the
shallows of Kauai. This shot became the cover of a
Performance Diver catalog. Believe it or not, I did
this shot with a 24 mm lens and a 6" dome. The
mountains in the background got too small with an
18 mm lens.

Figure 1: A camera with dome
port half submerged.

Figure 2: A camera with 1/2 of a
diopter close-up lens.

Figure 3: This is my split filter. I have one for
my 18 mm lens (with a 72 mm thread) and one for the
24 mm (with a 55mm thread). This one is made using
a +4 diopter and a 2 stop ND. Each half is cut from
B+W filters (fine German quality!)

The increased depth of field offered by smaller-sensor SLRs has made split shots easier. This shot was made with a Nikon D300 (DX-format sensor camera) and a Tokina 10-17 fisheye zoom at 10 mm (full 180 degree fisheye) at f/16. I focused on the soft coral underwater and the mangroves above water are in sharp focus. No split diopter was used.