Jonathan has a hard-earned reputation for
getting the job done well, on time, and on budget.
With budgets shrinking and location costs being the
way that they are, the difference between getting
the shots and not getting the shots often comes
down to having the skill to do it right the first
time. Whether it's cold arctic water, warm tropical
water or somewhere in between, Jonathan has worked
in nearly every underwater environment under all
kinds of conditions and has the experience to
deliver results consistently.
Jonathan has worked on assignment as a cinematographer and producer for dozens of television networks
and production companies. He has nine Emmy Awards for his television work. Some of his more recent assignment work:
Underwater Director of Photography for season 4 of Wicked Tuna on Nat Geo, 2014.
Underwater Director of Photography for season 2 of Filthy Riches on Nat Geo, 2014.
Underwater cinematographer, episode 3 of The Crazy Ones, CBS, 2013
DP and Line Producer Nat Geo's Most Amazing Photos: Artificial Reefs, 2010.
We own a large variety of production equpment so we don't need to rent gear. We shoot in both HD, 4K and 6K on platforms from the Sony Z100 (the 4K version of the venerable EX1R) to the RED Epic Dragon. We own above and underwater lighting, tripods, jibs, gimbal stabilizers, SLR still photography gear, camera float platforms, GoPros, and pole cams. We regularly build specialized gear for specific applications in our own machine shop. No matter what your needs as a client, if it has an underwater component, you should call us. We don't shoot exclusively underwater, but it is our specialty.

Jonathan shooting with a RED Epic Dragon on a jib at the Neutral Buoyancy Lab, NASA. Photo by Tim Howe

Jonathan is also available for speaking
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