Wildlife Monographs -
Since the release of the film
Jaws, the shark has suffered from an unfair and
grossly exaggerated reputation. Reviled or feared
as a man-eater, sharks have been relegated to the
category of monster in many people's minds. In
fact, this couldn't be further from the truth.
Sharks are highly evolved animals just trying to
survive. They are no more dangerous to people than
any large predator, like a lion or a bear, and
statistically pose almost no threat to
Sharks have amazing senses that
biologists do not fully understand, and powerful
immune systems that might teach humankind how to
defeat many diseases. We stand to learn much from
sharks, and they deserve our respect and
admiration. In addition, sharks serve an important
role in ocean ecosystems at the top of the food
chain. Without them to prey upon the sick and weak,
other populations of animals in the ocean might
overgrow their food resources and even lose their
evolutionary impetus.
Sadly, sharks are being killed
at record levels, both for their fins and as
by-catch. Ironically, very few cultures actually
eat sharks. With their low reproductive rate and
long gestation period, sharks are among the slowest
fishes to reproduce, making them highly susceptible
to overfishing. Wildlife Monographs - Sharks
provides a fascinating look into the lives of
sharks in the hope that readers might be motivated
to be a part of the growing movement to protect the
endangered shark populations around the
The book is now in

Wildlife Monographs -
Sharks is a full-color glossy soft-cover book
(8.25" x 10.25") printed on high quality
heavy-stock paper. It has 96 pages and over 100
photographs of sharks and rays.