Jonathan Bird Original Artwork

What better way to decorate than with a Jonathan Bird original? At left, a 38x50 inch Great White shark, and at right a 20x30 Beluga whale.

Welcome to the Jonathan Bird Collection of fine-art prints. Each print is signed (by request) and reproduced in your choice of size. Every print is a hand-made custom order and delivery may take up to 3 weeks. Please plan in advance if this is a gift, especially during the holiday season!

Photographic Prints
All Jonathan Bird's fine art prints are reproduced on fine art Kodak Professional photographic paper.













Note: sizes may not be exact depending on cropping of the image.

Prints will be signed by request at no charge, but there will be an additional delay because Jonathan has to be around to sign them, and additional shipping time is requred.

Shipping will vary from $10-$25 depending on size.

To order, find the image you want and send us an e-mail with the image number (from our image search) as well as the size. We will contact you to discuss payment and shipping.

You can search for images on our image search page. 

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Last Update 7/22/08