Petester's Home Page
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Herein you will find some pages devoted to the interests and avocations of Peter A. Bird.  As an ex-USAF and Eastern Airlines pilot, I have provided some Flying pages. As an avid scuba diver, I present my Diving pages. As an alumnus of Atex Publishing Systems, I have devoted a page for others in that community to keep tabs on their colleagues and friends. As a person who is well-known to have an opinion on almost any subject, I have an Opinions and Quotes page.


I am a member of the Caribou Association and have now established a separate domain for their official site.  You are welcome to take a look and if you are a former Caribou crewmember, mechanic, or otherwise affiliated with the Air Force C-7A, you should be a member of the Association!
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Text links:
What's New  Table of Contents   Flying  Diving  Atex  Opinion  Email
Revised: 30 May 2011

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